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  • Writer's pictureSpecMama

And the dish ran away with the spoon...

So much time at home.. such a great opportunity to get used to using everyday regular items. you can be as creative as you want... anywhere from simply learning to set the table for lunch or emptying the dishwasher... to creating imaginative shapes and sculptures with a bunch of spoons, forks and knives!

The Repetitious ritual of setting the table enables us to make up a little song like.. “please put the plate on the placemat la la la la le”... while helping our child do this and then respond ”Wow, you put the plate on the placement!! Good on you!!!!“

After a while your child will connect the verbal request to the action itself & do it themselves!

**The magical equation for success= repetition + accompanying song + celebration of success!!!**

another idea... BANG! a bunch of cuttlery falls on the table in a large pile! Let’s organIze these shiny metal objects into a sculpture, a pattern... let’s count them, sort them and make them stand on their own by sticking them in a huge pile of homemade clay!

whatever you do, JUST HAVE FUN!!! In the midst of fun and laughs.. point to a fork and say.. please pass me the fork... if they do.. say “thank you so much for passing me the fork!” and If they don’t say “ohhhh I asked for the fork and you didn't want to pass it me... perhaps pass me a spoon instead please?”... and physically help you child reach for a spoon and give it to you...

You will always succeed if you act with pure love and make sure it is a positive enjoyable experience.

Have fun!

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